Eating Meditation

New Contemplations before eating:
This food is a gift of the earth, the sky, numerous living beings, and much hard and loving work.
May we eat with mindfulness and gratitude so as to be worthy to receive this food.
May we recognize and transform unwholesome mental formations, especially our greed and learn to eat with moderation.
May we keep our compassion alive by eating in such a way that reduces the suffering of living beings, stops contributing to climate change, and heals and preserves our precious planet.
We accept this food so that we may nurture our brotherhood and sisterhood, build our Sangha, and nourish our ideal of serving all living beings.

Gatha for Eating Meditation
Lyrics by Thich Nhat Hanh
Music by Sr. Chan Duc

In the dimension of space and time
We chew in rhythm with our breath
Maintaining the life of all our ancestors
Opening an upward path for descendants.

In the dimension of space and time
How dreadful that we eat each other
Eating I maintain compassion alive
To take all beings to the other shore.